Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kellee & Jerell's Married! Dayton, Ohio Wedding Photography

The weather was on our side for Kellee and Jerell’s beautiful wedding at Polen Farm in Kettering, Ohio! The children were all so sweet and Kellee’s dress was absolutely stunning! The love between Kellee and Jerell radiated throughout the whole day making it truly an honor to be apart of their wedding! Thank you and I wish you both many years of happiness and love.

Kellee & Jerell Married VS3Studios.com Wedding Photography
Kellee & Jerell Married VS3Studios.com Wedding Photography
Kellee & Jerell Married VS3Studios.com Wedding Photography
Kellee & Jerell Married VS3Studios.com Wedding Photography
Kellee & Jerell Married VS3Studios.com Wedding Photography
Kellee & Jerell Married VS3Studios.com Wedding Photography
Kellee & Jerell Married VS3Studios.com Wedding Photography
Kellee & Jerell Married VS3Studios.com Wedding Photography
Kellee & Jerell Married VS3Studios.com Wedding Photography
Kellee & Jerell Married VS3Studios.com Wedding Photography

Sunday, June 27, 2010

VS3 Studios Advertisement

VS3 Studios is always looking to grow our business. We recently undertook a print advertising campaign in the Centerville, Ohio Town Money Saver. Below is a copy of our ad that appeared in over 14,000 households the week of June 21 – June 27th 2010.

Centerville Town Money Saver Ad

YS Federal Credit Union Summer Newsletter - Dayton, Ohio Graphic & Print Design

VS3 Studios recently had the honor of designing and printing the YS Federal Credit Union’s Summer 2010 newsletter. To obtain a hard copy of the newsletter every quarter please open an account at http://www.yscu.org!

YS Federal Credit Union Summer Newsletter 2010
YS Federal Credit Union Summer Newsletter 2010

Official photographers of the 5K Race/Walk for Kids - Dayton, Ohio Special Event Photography

VS3 Studios was the official photographers of the 5K Race/Walk to Benefit CARE House on Friday, June 11, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. The course began and ended at Brixx Ice Company, located at 500 E. First Street, and winds along the Great Miami River. We were honored to be chosen as the official photographers and had a blast shooting the images! VS3 Studios will be donating 20% of all sales to the CARE House which benefits abused and neglected children. To order prints please visit http://www.vs3studios.com/business.html.