Friday, April 2, 2010

VS3 Studios Helps Local Non-Profit!

We love helping others, and we love helping fellow Dayton non-profit origination's with their needs. VS3 Studios has graciously created a custom, hand painted, piece of artwork of the 7th hole on the famous Pebble Beach golf course. Please be sure to attended the Dayton Visual Arts Center (DVAC) 17th Annual Art Auction on April 30, 2010 at the Sinclair Community College’s Ponitz Center. The festivities begin with live and silent auctions at 6:30, complimentary champagne, finger foods and a cash bar. In between bidding for your next piece, you will be able to enjoy the always exquisite and inspiring sounds of Puzzle of Light featuring Michael and Sandy Bashaw. All of the proceeds for the night will benefit DVAC’s exhibition and programs. To reserve a seat, please visit DVAC’s Web site at and explore the ‘Events’ tab.

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